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Friday 2 August 2013


Akasha, Akasa or Akaza

Akash also known as Akasha, Akasa or Akaza, is a Sanskrit term meaning space or ether. In Hinduism Akash is considered to be the essence of all material things. In Gnosis Akash is also known as Mulaprakriti the Cosmic Mother. It is also known as a substance that originates from prana, where prana as we have mentioned earlier is not a substance but an energy and so Akash is similar to a very very refined condensation of energy. Akash is of a much denser vibration than that of prana and as Akash condenses, that is its vibration becomes slower it becomes what is known as ether.

Everything Comes from Akash

They say that everything comes out of Akash, everything returns to Akash, Akash is like a great chaos, like a great womb from where life surges. Akash has also been called an ocean of fire. So then Akash is also fire.

Akash – Behind Ether

In relation to the way Akash unfolds into creation Master Samael said the following: “The whole universe is elaborated upon with the ethereal matter “Akash” (this word is used by the Hindus). The ether disarranges itself into seven different modalities. When these modalities condense, then they give origin to all that is created.”. It is interesting to see the action of the law of seven, the law of seven works upon Akash organsing its fundamental modalities into seven types.

Master Samael says the following about Akash, “Akasa is the igneous radiation of primordial matter. Akasa is contained within the semen. The alchemists say that the water is the dwelling of the fire. Akasa is the Hindustani Kundalini.

In the book of genesis from all religious literature, the waters represent the primordial matter. The protoplasm of every nebula was first etheric. If we look further, we have to accept that behind every effect there exists a cause. Ether itself has to have a cause. We have learned from the yogis of Hindustan that behind the Ether is the Akasa. The oriental sages say that Akasa is a sea of fire. The said super-astral fire is contained within the Ens Seminis (the Mulaprakriti of the sages of India).”.

Master Samael says that “Akash is the substance that is the first radiation of the root Mulaprakriti, or insipid and undifferentiated primordial matter, known among the Alchemists as ens seminis (the entity of the semen).”.

Master Samael also says that: “The Ens Seminis is the seed atom of all known matter. Akasa is primordial sound. Akasa is super-astral fire. Sound is condensed through the mediation of Akasa. The serpent of Kundalini is fire and is sound. No one could incarnate the Word without previously raising the sacred serpent. Without Akasa it is impossible to fix and crystallize sound.”.


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