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Friday 9 August 2013


Sanskrit Word

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means circle, wheel or vortex. Chakras are vortices that when they spin in a certain way they attract energy and when they spin or turn in an opposite way they expel or project energy.

Vibrations of Tattwas

The vibrations of the tattwas are attracted by the chakras, they end up being absorbed by the chakras and from the chakras they can either move to be absorbed by the essence and or by the ego. The energy of the tattwas crystallise in us in a negative way or in a positive way, of which the latter is to feed the essence so to be able to create soul, or in a negative way so to strengthen the ego. This is the way that we end up weakening the essence because the ego becomes stronger and in effect we loose our essence and therefore our soul.

Formation of Ego or Soul

What forms ego or soul in us the interchange or the interaction between the external world and the internal world, when the external world and the internal world meet then there is the creation of something and that can either be soul or ego.

Senses of the Astral Body

The chakras are the senses of the astral body, they are actually located in the astral body. These chakras attract and absorb energy and they are the senses that put us in contact with the universe. We have the seven main chakras plus many more that for example are in the palms of our hands, in the soles of our feet, in our knees, in the back of the head (back part of the cerebellum). A note here is that if we do not have the astral body we still have the chakras only that we have them in the vital body. Also the principal chakra that governs all the chakras in the body is located at the back of the head. Master Samael would constantly touch or tap that part of his head to activate that principal chakra so to keep all the other chakras constantly working.

Store Prana

The chakras attract and store within them prana. The chakras have a physical counterpart and they are the endocrine glands within us. The chakras in the astral or vital body attract and absorb prana and that stored prana, is transferred to the physical body via the physical counterpart of the body which are as we have just mentioned are the endocrine glands.


Wherever in the vital or astral body there is a chakra there is an endocrine gland in exactly the same position but in the physical body. The endocrine glands then convert this energy into hormones. Hormone is a Greek word and means the desire to be. Hormones are very important because they are the ones that make us male or female and give us the character that we have. In turn the hormones go to produce the sexual energy.


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