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Thursday 8 August 2013

Tattwas in Action

When the Tattwas Vibrate

Master Samael gives us a clear way of knowing when the tattwas of nature are in vibration.

"I regret to have to disagree with the opinion of the Master Huiracocha about the Tattwic day- timer. He says in his Taiiwanieicr that the five Tattwas successively vibrate for two hour periods, and that each Tattwa vibrates for 24 minutes in the following way:

1. Akasa, 2.Vayu, 3.Tejas, 4. Pritvi, 5. Apas.

Huiracocha asserts that the vibration of the Tattwas begins every day at dawn.

Yet, this is in discordance with the facts and observations. Therefore, the best Tattwic timetable is the one from Nature.

When the weather is cold, humid, rainy and the sky is cloudy with dense, large, black clouds, then this means that the cause of this is rooted in the Tattwa of the water (Apas).

When this happens, the ethereal waves of the water are submitted to a very strong cosmic vibration, which generally coincides with a position of the moon.

In the hours or days where there are hurricanes and heavy winds we can assert that the ethereal waves of the air (Vayu) are in agitation and in vibration.

The noon filled with sun clearly points to us that the ether of fire (Tejas) is intensely vibrating. Dry, sultry weather shows us the vibrations of Akasa.

The hours filled with happiness, filled with light, are produced by Pritvi.

Therefore, the best Tattwic timetable is the one from Nature. When the waves of fire are agitated, then, creation is inundated with light and heat.

If the aqueous ether is vibrating, then the waters are moving and everything becomes humid.

Nature becomes happy in its entirety when the ethereal waves of the element earth move and vibrate.”


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