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Tuesday 27 August 2013

Numerology of this year 2013 (6)

Kabbalistic Sum of the Year 2013

If we add up kabbalistically speaking the year 2013, we get 2+0+1+3 = 6.

The Number 6 - Indecision

Every number has its own: wisdom, properties, characteristics, weight, power, vibration and most importantly its own principle or influence.

The influence or principle that is most dominant in the number 6 numerologically speaking is indecision!

2013 – A Year that Calls for Definition!

For me this number 6 is the worst, it is worse than 5, 8, 16, 18 and 21. It may be en par with number 13 which we know is transformation or death.

Anyhow, I have been observing people and my own self as well this year, and certainly it is a year of definition. It is a year where what in us or outside of us is undefined, vague, unresolved, ongoing and ambiguous or on ongoing and problematic comes to a head to be resolved or defined, decided upon or a path chosen.

Actually I have seen already this year, ongoing problematic relationships, marriages definitely even break apart and in myself I have passed through some strong fights of definition.

I have also seen the physical circumstances of several people become defined and I have even seen several people leave Gnosis. Mind you they were the ones that were never really happy with Gnosis. I have also seen people with issues in their personal life go through some very tough times and almost leave Gnosis. Well they would have if they hadn’t sorted it out.

Inner Definition

We could as I alluded to earlier face some terrible fights within ourselves. For example, we may have an ego of greed that has always wanted us to dedicate lots or nearly all of our time and energy into our career and to reach the top to earn as much money as we can. But on the other hand if we do that we lose contact with our esoteric, spiritual and psychological work for a long time and maybe we may even forget about it altogether. But somehow we have always managed to push it back, when it appeared and so we managed for a few years to get by that way it would appear in us we would feed it then it would go or we would push it back and there seemed to be no real winner.

But this year is different that greed will come with all or nearly all its force to take you to what it wants and that is earning big money. So obviously we will have to fight hard if we want to stay in Gnosis and working on ourselves and for our Being.

This could happen with any ego that can take us off the path (lust, ambition, greed, fear, pride etc.) or any ego where the fight against it is not resolved within us.

Be Safe – Be Defined!

If we want to be shielded from the influence of the number six, the best protection is to be defined in every direction or area of our life. I guarantee you, you will be safe!


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