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Thursday 29 August 2013

The Being Will Help – So Go For It!

Don’t Forget

We very often forget that our Being and our Divine Mother can help us. Because we forget this we face challenges only thinking of our capabilities and not of what we can do with our Being and Divine Mother behind us. We even actually forget that our Being can do things through us and that it is not us doing it it is the Being himself doing it.

Take the Challenge

Remembering that our Being will help us when things get difficult, I say go and take the challenge! We turn down many opportunities because we think that we can’t do it, that we will fail, but we may just be able to pull it off with the help of our Being and the Masters.

Don’t for get to invoke the help of the masters as well, such as Master Samael, Litelantes, Moria, Aroch, Harpocrates and the masters of the Divine Law: Anubis etc.

Go For It!

So I say go for it! Whatever task, challenge, opportunity etc. is presented before you, big or small, or whatever task or discipline that you would like to take up, just do it! Feel confident doing it too because your Being will help you.


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