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Thursday 8 August 2013

Properties of the Tattwas


“Akash is the primary cause of all that exists. Vayu is the cause of air and of motion. Tejas is the ether of the fire which animates the flames. Prithvi is the ether of the element earth which is accumulated within the rocks. Apas is the ether of the water which enters into action before Prithvi, because before the element earth appeared, there was water.”


Is the vibration that condenses into the air element. Here is what Master Samael said about the characteristics of the Vayu tattwa.

“Everything that is velocity and motion corresponds to Vayu, the principle of air. Winds, air, aerial navigation, etc. are related to Vayu. During this period people enjoy speaking ill about their fellowmen, lying, stealing, etc. Usually, airplane accidents happen during this period. Suicides are stimulated by this Tattva. We advise you not to marry during this period because your marriage will be of a short duration. All kinds of simple and fast businesses are very good in Vayu, but businesses that are complex and of long duration result in failure. It is good to carry out intellectual works during this period. The great yogis mentally manipulate this Tattva and use it intelligently when they want to float in the air.”


Is the vibration that condenses into the fire element. Here is what Master Samael said about the characteristics of the Tejas tattwa.

“Tejas is hot because it is the etheric principle of fire. During the period in which this Tattva is active we feel more heat. You can bathe in cold water in Tejas and you will never catch a cold. Never argue with anyone in Tejas because the consequences can be serious. You should utilize the time of Tejas to work intensely. Do not marry during Tejas because you will have constant quarrels with your partner. The most terrible explosions and accidents happen in the period of the Tattva Tejas.”


Is the vibration that condenses into the water element. Here is what Master Samael said about the characteristics of the Apas tattwa.

“Apas is the principle of water and is the opposite of Tejas (fire). This Tattwa is marvelous for the purchase of merchandise. It is marvelous for business and you will be able to earn much money if you know how to take advantage of this Tattva. Buy lottery tickets in Apas; journeys by water are good in Apas. Rainfalls that begin in Apas tend to be very lengthy and heavy. The Tattva Apas works in concentrating and attracting.”


Is the vibration that condenses into the earth element. Here is what Master Samael said about the characteristics of the Prithvi tattwa.

“This is the Tattva of success in life. If you want to succeed in business, do it in Prithvi. If you want to have good health, eat and drink in Prithvi. Marriages accomplished in Prithvi are happy for life. Every party, lecture, business or appointment done in Prithvi will be a total success. Prithvi is love, charity, benevolence.”


According to master Samael Akash or Akasa is also a tattwa. He says the following regarding the properties of the Akash tattwa:

“Akash is exclusively good for meditation. We advise you to pray a lot during this time. Do not have business or love appointments during this time because you will inevitably fail. This Tattva causes us to make very serious mistakes. If you work during this period, you should then be very careful. (Artists should abstain from working in Akash). Everything that begins with Akash will fail. Akash is the Tattva of death.”


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