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Thursday 8 August 2013

Tattwa, Chakras and Hormones

Tattwas Enter the Body

The tattwas enter the body, in fact master Samael says something strange, well not so strange when you think about it. He says that our vital body is really made up of tattwas, which makes sense as the tattwas are vibrations of the ether and as the vital body is ether it still has to have it parts and those parts have to have their particular vibration which are the tattwas.

The tattwas enter the chakras and then enter the glands of internal secretion, namely the endocrine glands. The tattwas in the glands intensify the work of the glands and are transformed into hormones. The tattwas don’t in fact leave the body, once they enter they stay there and they form or are transformed into genes, chromosomes and later sexual energy (spermatozoids).


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