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Thursday 8 August 2013


Tattwas – Vibration of the Ether

Tattwa is vibration and in Sanskrit tattwa means element, indicating that the tattwas are related to the elements of nature. There are four important vibrations of the ether (tattwas) that we study and they are the vibrations that condense to become the elements of nature and also the elements of the body. They are prithvi (condenses to earth), apas (condenses to water), tejas (condenses to fire) and vayu (condenses to air).

The tattwas are the vibrations of the Ether. When the ether vibrates in certain ways (those ways are the tattwas) those vibrations become the vibrations of the elements. When the vibrations of the tattwas condense they become the four elements of nature. Please note that they are the elements of nature (air, fire, water and earth) and they are the vibrations that each of these elements have. The tattwas are the vibratory soul of those elements.

Tattwas and Our Body

So we can say so far that within the tattwas is ether and in the ether is Akash and within Akash is prana. So our body which is made up of the tattwas really comes from ether and ether comes from Akash and Akash comes from prana. So in the end our body is a condensation of modified prana, that is why our body is fed with prana. In our body we have prithvi, as our flesh and bones. In all the liquids of the body we have the tattwa apas, in our imagination and respiratory system we have vayu the tattwa of air and within our sexual energy, digestive system and blood we have tejas the tattwa of fire.

This is a very interesting point here, in that the tattwas or elements, are part of our nature and in everything that we do the elements are present. For example, when we are angry we are vibrating with the vibration that fire has, which is the tattwa called tejas. If we intensify that vibration we can end up committing some very violent acts. We have to know how to use their positive qualities to our advantage and not become a victim of them.

Several Tattwas

There are several tattwas, in fact, there are more than the four that form the four elements. There at least seven. Which makes sense, as the tattwas are vibrations of the ether and the ether may vibrate in several ways. A good question is why do only these four condense? Why not all seven? Perhaps the law of four is the answer. The law of four establishes that four is the number required to maintain and stabilize creation.

This is what Master Samael said about the other two tattwas in one of his early books – “Introduction to Gnosis”:

There are two secret Tattvas named Adi and Samadhi that vibrate during the Aurora (dawn) and are excellent for internal meditation. (Ecstasy or Samadhi is achieved with them). We will not expand on these Tattvas now because they are useful to advanced students only.”


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