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Friday 4 October 2013

Forms that the Egos of Lust Take in Dreams or Internal Experiences


In our dreams or internal visions, that usually occur while being a little drowsy during meditation, we can see our egos. Each ego is seen as having a distinct form. The form that an ego takes can certainly vary. It can take the appearance of something decent to something very grotesque. And furthermore the form that they take varies between individuals.

However, the good news is that there are certain forms that are common among individuals and these forms are archetypical. For example, the most common form that egos appear with seems to be the animal form, and this makes sense as the ego is something inhuman and animal in nature.

There are also archetypes for each type of ego, for example the egos of lust can take the appearance of animals such as pigs and snakes, maybe even dogs or monkeys.

The Egos Have a Look of Hatred

If in the dream or experience you are able to see the way the ego looks at you, you will see that the ego looks at you with disdain and even hatred, sometimes with in trepidation (depending how strong our resolve to eliminate it is).

With such looks we can discern something about the particular and general nature of the ego that even though it is our essence but conditioned essence, it is polarised in such a way that it does not like us or is against us.

The Egos Don’t Like Us

This is the strangest thing to learn that the ego does not like us. After all it is us just that it has been conditioned. The conditioning that it has does not like us for the reason that we do not feed it, or we do not allow it full reign of our human machine or that it knows us, the essence, will one day eliminate it and it fears its end, why, because it has been conditioned not to die.

Another reason why the ego does not like us is because it is selfish, it does not take us into account, it can only take into account its own conditioning.

Working Out What Ego It Is

We may see many animal and other forms and we may even strongly suspect that they are egos but the problem could be that we are not sure which egos these forms represent.

The best way to find out is to remember our feeling or intuition during the experience or dream. Usually our intuition tells us which ego we are looking at. If we can’t remember we then have to work it out by analogy.
We have to find the characteristics that the animal we saw in the experience has in life here on Earth, and then relate these characteristics to those of a particular defect or ego.

What You Can Learn

We can learn much about the particular nature of an ego, such as its: motivations, strength, function and logic when we see it in our dreams or in internal experiences.

By observing its look, the way it acts, what it says and it appearance we can gleam a lot of valuable information. The appearance is very important as it is usually symbolic and revealing. But most of all what is the most instructive is what it does, as what it does it the pure unadulterated action of that ego.

Appearance of the Egos of Lust – Pigs or Snakes

The egos of lust usually take the appearance of pigs or snakes. The more astute seductive egos of lust take the appearance of snakes and the rough and crude pleasure seeking egos of lust take on the appearance of pigs. As just like a pig rolls in the mud they revel in sensations becoming more and more full of unclean, unwholesome or unhealthy desires.


After seeing an ego in a dream or in an internal vision during meditation it is worth analysing the experience to extract as much information as you can from it as this information is valuable to your efforts or work of comprehending that defect.


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