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Friday 4 October 2013

Transmutation - the Way to Defeat the Mechanisms of Nature

Mechanisms of Nature

Nature is full of mechanisms, and she uses some of these mechanisms to keep us asleep so that we can be used to serve her purposes, and her purposes are essentially to maintain what has already been created.

One Large Mechanism

There is one important task that nature has to take care of, and it is maintaining what has already been created, and to do this nature needs that its creatures cooperate with the reproduction of their own species.
This has directly to do with sexuality, and yes it affects us or influences us, just as it affects the animals. It must affect us because we are the most important organ or creature in nature.

How Nature Fulfills Her Tasks

Now nature needs that essentially we reproduce or in other words marry and have children. But to get us to do that is the hard thing, this is where she, nature, has to use some of her mechanisms and tricks.

Inflames Our Sexual Energy

Nature uses the very nature of our sexual energy (by nature the sexual energy is very volatile) and some mechanical elements. These mechanical elements are the egos of the defect of lust.

Nature through the seasons inflames our sexual energy where we strongly feel the impulse to express the sexual energy, this is very prominent in spring time where all of nature feels more or less the same thing.

Uses Lust

Nature also has the use of some psychological elements in us, namely lust. As each ego or ‘I’ or mechanical/conditioned psychological element in us is an answer to the events of life or in other words a function of our psyche in life, nature uses these elements for her purposes.

In other words we have the ego of lust to propel us to meet members of the opposite sex and marry and have children etc. So nature uses our egos of lust by inflaming our sexual energy and the ego of lust inside of us then manages the rest being motivated or fueled by the overwhelming inflamed sexual feelings etc.

In essence through the egos of lust nature controls or influences us. In fact nature keeps us asleep using these defects because asleep we are much easier to control, move or influence.

Transmutation the Conscious Escape

Transmutation is the way to defeat that very large mechanism of nature (Earth). It is also the way to defeat a large part of the influence that the Moon has over us.

Escape from the Moon

Why the Moon? Because the Moon is the one that also influences all the waters on Earth, especially the sexual waters in the human being and it also governs contraception among all the creatures of the Earth.

By transmuting we are being conscious and we are defeating the mechanical forces that operate inside of us and are triggered by nature (Earth) and the Moon, impelling us to use the sexual energy in a way that will serve the purposes of nature, i.e. reproduction.

So transmuting our sexual energy we channel and transform the sexual energy avoiding it from accumulating inside of us to an overwhelming level, where we are impelled to express that energy, and what happens later is that we eventually spill that energy, thus reducing the accumulated level to a much lower level inside of us.


Consciously transmuting, i.e. knowing that we are transmuting and that we are defeating the mechanism of nature that wants us to be asleep and blindly find someone to lose the sexual energy with actually defeat that mechanism and we can use our sexual energy for an inner creation, instead of an outer creation (children) and to maintain that creation.


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