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Sunday 5 January 2014

Commitments of the Ego or ‘I’

Commitments or Plans

Most of the egos or “I’s” that we have, have their plans or commitments. We know some of them and some of them we don’t know.

Plans/Commitments of the ‘I’ we Know

The plans that we do know are the ones that being identified with the ego or by being a willing accomplice of the desires of the ego we with develop in our mind, using the imagination, the information that we have and the reasoning of the mind.

Plans/Commitments of the ‘I’ that we don’t Know

There are other plans or commitments that we don’t know about and they are the difficult ones to deal with as they catch us off guard and most of the time we only know about them after we have fallen victim to those plans.

This only happens if the ego is very large and relatively unknown or unobserved by us. Master Samael said that the ego has secret commitments and that those commitments are fulfilled under the level of our conscious awareness. The egos to fulfil their commitments use telepathy to arrange the various recurrences that are used to fulfil these commitments.

Don’t Create the Plan

To help ourselves in the death of the ego we are working a very good thing is to not create these plans or commitments. Observe and become aware that the ‘I’ wants to use your mind to create a plan or commitment to fulfil an idea or desire, but then just let that go. Don’t allow yourself to think or better said don’t allow your mind to be used to create the plan.

To Die Psychologically we have to Release the Plan

We can’t die in any ego if it is there making new plans and commitments. The fact that it makes plans and commitments is a very sure sign that, that ego is very well and alive. A person for example that is giving up life or in other words a person who is dying does not make plans for tomorrow or the next day or the next. So it should be with regards to the case of the ego when it is dying.


Stop New Plans

Stop the egos that we know from planning and creating new commitments, but if a plan has been made then become aware of it and release it.

Don’t Release Equals Stagnation

If we don’t release the plans that we have made with the ego, we will stagnate. The plans keep the ego alive and full of hope. As we know hope is a powerful force so the ego’s plans keep it strong and ever-present in our human machine.

Decisive Step Toward Death

So if we can neutralise the hope of the ego and release its plans we are moving ahead in its dissolution Toward the death of the ego this is a very decisive step indeed.


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