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Sunday 5 January 2014

Why Sacrifice Infra-Sexuality?


Why we sacrifice our sexuality – well we do it for the Being.

Finally Understood!

Finally we can understand why we should sacrifice our pursuit of pleasure. Pleasure is for our selfish selves and transmutation or supra-sexuality is for the Being.

A Clear Sign

The Being inside you shows you his will, most likely the Being in you has already shown you his will. His will is the Absolute and the way there is through supra-sexuality.

It is a clear sign that when the Being in you impulses and pushes you to sacrifice infra-sexuality and you and He actually do (because He does it through you), you and Him are getting more and more defined for the way of the Being, which is His way, the way of the three factors (death of the ‘I’, birth (transmutation) and sacrifice for humanity) to the Absolute.

The Being’s Will

It is scary the Being inside of us is going to take up His cross and sacrifice for the Almighty Father, He is going to walk his Path in you, he has already decided it.


We are there just to fulfil his decision. He is the Lord.


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