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Monday 26 May 2014

An Ode to Neptune (139)

Oh Poseidon! Oh Neptune!

Oh Poseidon whom the ancient Greeks knew you by! Oh Neptune whom the ancient Romans knew you by. Even if the ancient times have now long passed, today you who still exist, you are the force and life of our oceans, seas and rivers.

You are Life!

You provide us with much food, you continue to give us food despite our irresponsibility, our greed and our negligent pollution. You are in the waters of the Earth and as there is much water in us you are in us as well. You are a primordial God, a special God, without you we would not have life, water is life and you are the God of water. Our water comes from you, by evaporation, our cooling rains that cool the sun parched earth and the rain that makes our crops to grow comes from you. You are one of the axes upon which the life of our planets rests.

Regent of Earth’s Waters

You must know Melchizadek , the regent of our marvellous planet. You must work in unison, what you know he must know. Your love and forgiveness is boundless, you keep giving to us despite our greed, our plundering of your resources, and despite our negligence polluting and leaving all sorts of refuse in you.

You are the regent of the primordial waters of life of our planet. In you is creative potential, as the spermatic waters of our planet, you must know all about the planet as the blueprint for the planet is its waters.

Source of Prana and Vastness

Your creatures are full of prana, in you is great creative potency, in you is great potential. You have the powers of creation and in you is the power to modify the planet and us as well. You have the dominion of the dimensions of nature. You at night are special you are like the absolute, the great bosom of creation stretching all the way out beyond the horizon, you are a mystery and to gaze far out to sea is like to contemplate mystery, to bring limitlessness to our psyche and to remember the vastness of God our creator and our Lord and Father.

You are Not Forgotten

You have not been forgotten, well in this corner of the world anyhow, many times I have gone to face the Indian Ocean, yearning for the chance one day to know you, for the mystical opportunity that I know does not come around twice in life. But anyway, the still remote glimmer of hope that maybe true one day - that I could know you as the ancient Greeks did, invoking you from a cliff’s edge facing a stormy Agean sea. With you appearing majestic and powerful with your trident and crown addressing the sincere invoker as to what he or she wanted of you!


Courage is your virtue to meet you, to sail your seas all those who do it do it with courage to engage, for to engage with you is to risk our life, that is why you were depicted by the ancient Greeks as infinitely strong and powerful, a giant with bulging muscles, as a formidable God with tremendous strength and power, a warrior Lord of the seas, whom none dare enter your domain without fearing for their life.


You hold under your seas and oceans many mysteries, oh what creatures of the deep exist and what are the mysteries that lie beneath your waters. Long lost wrecks carrying precious cargo that were lost at sea, in you are many answers to the mysteries of the earth that many men have pondered answers to.

In you is the answer to the missing Malayasian airlines flight MH370. Under your watery coat are the ruins of ancient cities and the keys to our past. The keys to who we are. You know us so well oh Divine God of the seas and oceans. You have watched us over us for millennia, even you have swallowed our past major races.

Fourth Dimension

You have the power to take our bodies into the fourth diemensions of nature.


Your wrath is known to us as well, may ships and planes found their last days in you. Maybe they had it coming, maybe it was their destiny forged in ancient times or in times gone by. Maybe it was their negligence but many have been miraculously taken care of by you and have survived incredibly. I am sure the balance of lies saved versus lives taken lies in your favour, on the side of your love and compassion for us.

Final Word

Oh great Neptune, may you hear my ode, my attempt to understand your mystery, may it be an offering to you, to turn your ear towards my prayers.

End (139).

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