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Monday 26 May 2014

The Correct Attitude Before the Law (138)

The Power of the Divine Law

The power of the Divine Law, the esoteric body of Divine Beings that administer cosmic justice is immense. The Divine Law has power of our life and our death. There is nothing in our life and in our mind that the Divine Law does not govern. Nothing can be hidden from the Divine Law, everything about us and within us is known to them.

This very fact about their power should and must inspire respect and a certain wariness in us. It is really absurd that we feel defiant, arrogant and disrespectful in front of them. Absurd!

Our life is in their hands and the truth is that each one of us owes the Divine Law many payments, we are in fact indebted to the Divine Law.

Love the Law

We may of course fear the law and therefore (what we fear we hate) hate or despise the law or even resent the law but, believe me, not one of those attitudes helps!

The best attitude I have found is to love the law and to work with the law openly, honestly (they know everything anyway) and unreservedly with co-operation. They are intelligent Divine Beings that administer the cosmic law and to declare our mistakes and take responsibility for them, accept the punishment and work to cancel the debt is marvellous.

The reason why we hate the law has a large part to do with us not taking responsibility for our errors, mistakes and wrong doings. We think wrongly of course that law is against and is punishing us. But it is not the law it is ourselves.

The Law does NOT Punish Us it is Us that Punishes Ourselves.

We have no reason to resent the Law, because after all it is ourselves that make the mistakes and cause or bring about our karma or the punishment for our mistake. It is not Anubis for example hitting us, it is ourselves hitting ourselves.


I honestly think and this is the way that I do things with the Divine Law is to first of all consider them as my friends and that they are on my side, even if I have a karma to pay. Our karma can be paid with some negotiation and we never know how merciful the Divine Law has been with us. They may have saved us from some horrible suffering, for example they may have delayed some suffering knowing that we are working spiritually and that we will be able to cancel this karma working on ourselves.

End (138).

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