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Thursday 29 May 2014

The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil (142)

An Ominous Name

The tree of the science of good and evil is certainly ominous. It brings to mind the apple tree and the tempting serpent from the biblical scenario of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It brings to mind with some trepidation actually the fall of the human being and the human being and the exile from paradise (the Absolute).

Certainly from a Gnostic perspective the tree of the Science of Good and Evil is really this tree. This tree that holds the knowledge of evil and the knowledge of good, therefore holding the knowledge whereby the human being may to fall into evil, and the keys whereby the human being may ascend towards the heavens. The potential for great good and great evil are contained both within this strange and foreboding tree of duality.

What is this Tree? Is it Symbolic?

This tree actually being the fantastic manifestation of duality is symbolic and in fact this tree is to be found in every human being here and now.

The tree of the Science of Good and Evil is to be found says Gnosis in no other place than in our sexual organs, then in our sexual energy and in our sexuality.


Within sex is the beginning of evil and eh start of good. The great battle over the human being is in sex. Through sex Gnosis says the human being falls and degenerates or regenerates and enters once again into the kingdom of heaven or paradise through the same door through which it left, this door is sex.

End (142).

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