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Thursday 29 May 2014

Where Does Evil Begin (143)

Believe it or not!

Believe it or not evil begins in our sexuality. When go to one side of duality in relation to our sexual energy we initiate the beginning of evil.

Duality – Cause of Good and Evil

Good and evil are certainly duality, it seems that they are the first manifestation of duality. Good and evil are opposites and really they are derived from the sexual poles which according to Gnosis were the first manifestation of the opposite poles or in other words duality. So, in summary the first instance in the creation of duality, the opposites came through, or were expressed by sex, male and female. So, in sex we have the first holder of duality.

Depending on our Use

So then depending on our use of sexuality or the sexual energy, if we polarised ourselves with one side we would get one result. If we were to polarise ourselves with the negative use of the sexual energy the side, we would end up falling into evil or into the nature of that side of the sexuality (negative side).

The sexual energy is also very dual in its direction of travel or flow. It either goes inwards and up or downwards and out. Evil really begins when we choose the downward and out flow of the sexual energy. This plummets us into degeneration and throws us away from the Being, away from the light and into darkness.


Because we chose the normal sexuality which is to lose the sexual energy we end up removing the Being from us, because the Being is in our sexuality energy, and we are removing him from our system and then go into evil and evil is characterised by ill-will. So then the loss of the sexual energy goes against our Being and it is ill-will. So ill-will or evil starts with the bad use for the sexual force.


So here it is the first way that we are thrown away from the Being and are denied entrance into the absolute or the garden of Eden (paradise), it is through sex, if we ejaculate the sexual energy we are given very bitter lessons about evil. We in fact fall into evil, why you may ask because the sexual energy transmuted enhances our selves and allows us to stand straight and not fear. But when it is lost we go far from the Being and it takes a hile for iur consciousness to catch up.

To not fall into evil, we need to transmute a lot and remove the psychic aggregates lost in our psyche.

End (143).

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