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Monday 5 May 2014

What is in your Heart? (126)


Sometimes we pass through a crisis, and it seems that the secret reason of that crisis, is to first find out what is in our heart, and then later to define our heart for what we have discovered is in it.

The question comes to us in such a crisis, are these spiritual studies really in my heart? Do I really want to keep going? Is there a point to it all? Others are progressing and I’m here stuck!


The crisis can be quite scary we can feel that we have nothing in our heart and we can even become disorientated and not know why we are persisting with these spiritual studies.

Pleasing the Ego for Too Long

Sometimes this comes about because we have spent a too longer period of time being insincere, that is not really trying to progress and just giving way to the ego. When we should have really not gone that far into pleasing the ego, we should have stopped it before time.

Allowing ourselves to please an ego for too long leads us to feel that we can’t defeat it and that we are it and we should give up the fight and just become it.

When we please the ego for too long it gets to take up more space in us and we run the risk of falling into a crisis or a battle where our inner nature demands that this battle be solved. Such a battle stagnates us and leaves us vague and ambivalent. We have to solve this situation, by coming to a state of balance, to a state of inner peace, where this battle is over.

Remedying the Situation

This situation is really easy to solve we just have to sacrifice the ego. Well easier said than done.

We feel that we are in crisis because we are not doing anything, because we are not working as we would work if we had our self-realisation in our heart. When something is in our heart we are unstoppable. Nothing can stop us, no obstacle from within or without can stop us. We will find a way through or around any obstacle. The big battle is always to get things into our heart.


The conclusion here is to work to get our work for our realisation into our heart.

End (126).

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