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Monday 5 May 2014

Why of the Crisis and the Heart? (127)

Why do we have a Crisis?

Sometimes we pass through a crisis and the reason why we pass through it, it seems, is to first find out what is in our heart and then define our heart.

Typically these crises are to do with definition and we usually end up in such a crisis because we have been harbouring a contradictory attitude for too long and we have wound up at a very critical point. A very apt name for this critical point is a point of definition.

Point of Definition

We usually reach a point of definition in our relationship to something. Typically in our relationship to our spiritual work, even to our physical work and of course in human relationships.

Why of a Definition Point

The definition point is characterised as being a point where we can no longer progress in our relationship while still having a contradictory attitudes, thoughts, feelings and actions. We feel that we can no longer sit on the fence having a foot in both sides. Ando so the inevitable appears, a choice, we have to choose a side and this can be painful. The more we are attached to our contradictory attitude the more painful such a choice will be.

If we are always one, that is a unity inside of ourselves in relation to something we will never pass through such a crisis.

What is in our Heart

A crisis of definition brings out what we have inside of ourselves in the positive and in the negative. We see all that we have, for example in our heart in relation to a particular goal and we see what we have against it or all that we value that is the opposite of that goal.

The crisis brings the ‘good’ values that agree and the ‘bad’ values that disagree into balance or onto the scales. There we see clearly that we are lacking or that we just need a little push and the negative values will be defeated.

Define Your Heart

Once we have seen our values on the scales, we can act. We can define our heart. Even if our values for the goal are so low we can still have that goal in our heart and so we revaluate our situation and decide against for that goal and fight and keep fighting, or we could just give up saying it is too hard. We can choose, or we may see that our values for the goal outweigh the contradictory negative values, then that new awareness will solve the crisis naturally and effortlessly and we won’t even have to make a decision.


We can avoid these crises of definition by working quickly on any contradictory attitudes or values that appear in us. The more we are a unity (the less contradictions) in our relationship to something the further these crises are from us. Solve any contradictions that you have as quickly as possible and of course if the relationship is in your heart it is part of you and you won’t be able to be different than it or separate from it.

The marvellous thing about the heart is that it unifies us with something! How marvellous. We can not consider unity without looking into the heart.

All the tests that we pass through are to access our degree of unity with our which for the Gnostic is the esoteric path or it could be something else, a cause etc.

End (127).

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