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Monday 23 June 2014

Time to Withdraw (145)


This post title can be taken in the general sense or in the particular sense of the practice of the Alchemy. Therefore in this post I am going to refer to both interpretations, both the general (in life) and the particular (Alchemy and psychological work).

There is a Time to Withdraw – Beyond that there is Danger!

We have to know when it is time to withdraw, because there is always a time to withdraw or to end something or pause something. And if we don’t withdraw on time we end up breaking a certain law and that usually brings us pain and hardship or increases dramatically the potential for pain. Therefore, to know when to withdraw is really a necessary skill in life and in the esoteric path.

Sometimes we know when the right time to withdraw is and that is really useful and avoids much unnecessary difficulty. When we know when the right time to withdraw is, it is because we have learnt it from experience or we were able to work it out in the moment. Unfortunately, though when we don’t know when to withdraw, we have to learn it, and most of the time by bitter experience.

Descending into the Abyss

In the psychological work we descend into our own abyss and we may even stay there a while, but at some point we have to emerge to the light and use what we have learnt there in our own abyss to destroy the egos to dispel the darkness.

There is the danger the very real danger of staying there in our abyss for too long can be very harmful for us and strengthen the ego to such a degree that we are not able to control it.

So we have to know how to descend, to know when not to descend no further and to know when to withdraw and emerge from the darkness to the light.

Practice of Alchemy

Knowing when to withdraw in the practice in the Alchemy is critical, vital, fundamental and extraordinarily important! As soon as the practice begins, as soon as the sexual connection is made, the potential for danger is present, a failure could happen at any moment if one is not vigilant or if one loses control.

Master Samael says as that as soon as the couple practice Alchemy they descend into the abyss, into the ninth sphere. Therefore if one does not when the right time to withdraw is the sexual energy could be lost and the person then fails in the practice of Alchemy.

Knowing when to withdraw in the practice of Alchemy prevents failure. We must know how body and its limits and not be stupid thinking that our body can handle it.

Prevent, prevent, prevent any danger by withdrawing before the potential for danger rises.

Letting go of Something – Giving Up

This also very useful to know in life, the time to give up, retire or resign. It may the time to let others have a chance, it may be time to loosen our control and it may be time to give up our resistance. We have to know when this time is, and usually we know it when we start to develop a stubborn attitude.


In life knowing when to withdraw is very helpful and necessary. It is something that we need to know, in relationships and in the activities and events of life.

However, it is much more critical in the practice of Alchemy and also in the psychological work. In the practice of Alchemy and in the psychological work ambition or lust or greed may make the withdraw discernment line fuzzy and therefore easy to ignore or hard to see. The clearer we know it the better for us in all senses.

Ask yourself when you are engaged in any activity “do you know when the right time to withdraw is?” and see if you can discern it or find it out.

End (145).

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