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Monday 23 June 2014

To Surrender to Lust is Crazy! (146)


To surrender oneself to our lust is crazy. To surrender and to lower oneself, to expose oneself intimately to someone else that we most likely do not know is crazy. To mix oneself with someone else below our level of being is also crazy!

99% of the Time

Usually in 99% of all the cases that is what happens when we fall into lust. If all of these things do not happen at least one of them is fulfilled.

Low Level of Being

Lust is one element that really keeps our level of being low. If we observe all the people who are very lustful or a drowning in lust, just look at their level of being and you will have your answer as to where lust takes us and to what the nature of lust really is.

Lust is Deceitful

Lust is so deceitful it makes us think that we will be elevated and much better off, but from the experience of everyone that is never the case.

Lives of those with Lust

Look at the lives who work with sex, their life is not very pleasant and agreeable. Just look at those who are attracted to them, unfortunately their level of being is never so high.


We all actually maybe know these all these things but the thing is we do not know them deep enough we tend to give into lust, so my suggestion is to know these things in our motor centre, that is in our actions and then we will not give in.

End (146).

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