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Sunday 20 July 2014

Characteristics of the Motor Centre (164)


The motor centre is a very important part of our physical life. In fact if our motor centre were shut down, our physical life would really stop. It is certainly for the benefit of our physical life worth studying the motor centre, because it is really our physical life and what we do with it, gives us our results in life.


What we learn, is deposited in the motor centre. We have many actions and skills in the motor centre which have been intentionally taught to the motor centre. We are not born with them, though this is the case with the instinctive centre. The instinctive centre already comes with data built into it, whereas the motor centre does not have that data.


The motor centre has its own memory. That it how it remembers actions even when the mind forgets. We drive with this memory.

Sign of Physical Life

In relation to the physical world it is the most important centre. In fact movement which is controlled by the motor centre is one of the first signs of life.

The Word

The word belongs to the motor centre. What we say and don’t say brings us karmic consequences. We have to move to speak. No movement no speech.

Result of Intellect and Emotion

The motor centre is the depository of the intellect and the emotion or in other words it is the result of the intellectual and emotional centres. The body follows the mind. In fact the motor centre can work alone once it has the full data necessary to act programmed into it. Without motor memory the motor centre works with the intellect and emotion.

It is the slowest centre and it is found in the upper part of the spinal cord. We waste a lot of energy with the motor centre.

Third Man- Motor Centre Man

There are motor centre people who are great because they get things done. They are not so lazy in movement.

Ego in the Motor Centre

We have the ego in each centre, when the ego gets into the motor centre that is when it enters the physical world. That is when the process of cause and effect is unfolded for us in our favour or against us.


The motor centre is the first thing that we would start to observe. It is also the first thing that we learn to relax as well. Breathing is the motor centre.

Easiest Centre to Control

It is the easiest centre to control as well. It is what people can see about us and it is also our life, we are what our motor centre is. In other words we are what we do.

Energy of Motor Centre

The energy of the motor is related to age. It definitely has a peak, whereas the energy of the intellectual centre can last longer. It is in old age that the physicists and mathematicians of old seemed to have produced their best theories and work.


Use the motor centre in its orbit and make sure to never allow thinking to substitute action. Action is the motor centre and to act is the consciousness and it is what is practical in life.

End (164).

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