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Sunday 20 July 2014

Common Education Regarding Sexual Energy is Backward (163)


We are unfortunately given impressions and education (a false education) to say that losing the sexual energy is correct or is good. Nearly everyone believes it to be so. Of course pornography is the worst advocate of that, it does not explicitly say that losing the sexual energy is good but the impressions that the actors give off show or send the message that it is good to lose the sexual energy. So we have deep in our minds the belief that to lose the sexual energy via ejaculation is beneficial, good, pleasurable and makes us happy. This really deserves a deeper look and this is what this post is all about.

Physical Effects

Physically we see that losing the sexual energy via ejaculation straight away takes away our ability to continue with the sexual act. It takes away immediately the sexual trance which brings with it amorous feelings. The amour and attraction that is felt when the sexual currents are circulating through the person all of a sudden disappear. Looking at the loss of the sexual energy from a psychological perspective is eye opening. It is definitely not as near anywhere as good as we think.

Psychological Effects

Looking into the psychology that is present when we lose the sexual energy we see something strange. We see that there is something there pushing or calling for the loss of the sexual energy, it is the same whether the person is active in the motor centre or the person is passive in the motor centre. There is something looking to release the sexual energy and it sees this as good, as an achievement, as a fine act. So one would think that psychologically we should feel fine releasing the sexual energy but this is not the case at all!

A person feels psychologically down, defeated and angry. Why you may ask because deep within a person they know that it is to have given into to pleasure, it is to have broken one’s will, it is to have missed the chance to dignify oneself, it is to have wallowed in the pleasure which is something below the common human decent level. Of course we can get angry with ourselves because we, speaking plainly failed ourselves. The loss of the sexual energy also damages our brain or withdraws something from our brain that we lose forever and this makes our mind dull and psychologically more asleep. It also adversely affects our memory. In summary morally we do not feel very honest or very upright, we feel that we have lowered ourselves.

Esoteric or Spiritual Effects

The esoteric or spiritual effects are profound, however we are so ignorant of anything spiritual that we don’t accept or don’t even want to accept this. Because the sexual energy is divine, it is the source of life, and it is a gift from the creator to us to be able to create also, so losing this energy pits us against Him our creator and our inner divinity. It in effect takes us away from our inner divinity and our creator. Simply because we are throwing Him out of our system and we have less and less of Him in our system. Even if it is pleasurable to lose the sexual energy (for some people it is not at all pleasurable) we go further and further from our inner Divinity. Note, people find it is pleasurable to lose the sexual energy because we are falling but landing after the fall is not at all pleasurable the effects of losing the sexual energy is not all pleasurable, just like breaking your leg after a fall, falling was fine but landing wasn’t.

Also when we lose the sexual energy we absorb the replace what has been lost million and millions of atoms Master Samael says of the secret enemy. The atoms of the secret enemy are 100% negative and they harm us and fill us with much negativity. That is why fornication or the loss of the sexual energy never brings us anything good. Also misfortunes, failures and difficulties follow the person or person that loose the sexual energy.


Look deep into that belief that losing the sexual energy (seminal entity) is good for you. In this post I have outlined the negative effects, and the best thing is to get your own knowledge and experience. I guarantee you will feel better in all aspects not losing your sexual energy.

End (163).

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