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Thursday 24 July 2014

Pride a Relative Sense of Justice (176)

Pride - a Relative Correction of a Previous Imbalance

We know that what pride really is, is the sense of dignity and balance of the Being distorted by relativity. Pride always looks to compensate or correct an imbalance. The problem is that it does it against others and in favour of ourselves, so it is the correction of an imbalance made in relativity.


If we feel that something is unfair our pride won’t be long in appearing. We will feel the unfairness, the hurt, the rejection etc. we can go with Pride and fight, however, we can put the action of balancing the unfairness and the loss of dignity in the Being’s hands and allow him to arrange the affairs so that what is fair and just appears.


In conclusion, that is the key, to put the unfairness in the hands of the Being. We need however patience to do it. We need to wait. When we wait anyway a process goes to fruition, we give time for the Being to arrange things correctly for us. That is the right thing to do, surrender the issue into the hands of the Being and just wait, patiently that is, with true endurance which is a strength of the soul or essence.

End (176).

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