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Thursday 24 July 2014

Wise Use of Time and Space (175)


The way to use time wisely is to make the time we have productive, to use it for something related to the development of our consciousness or in something that will bring a positive result to us.

Do not Compartmentalise Time

Another point is to not compartmentalise time. We divide our whole life into compartments where we behave in certain ways and enjoy ourselves or not enjoy ourselves and so on. We should make our whole life one.

It is the mind that makes compartments and it is the one that says we can enjoy ourselves now because in a minute this activity will be finished. Usually that activity is one of the work on ourselves, a bit sad isn’t it. The very thing that liberates us makes us unhappy?

Make our Life our Work

The advantage of making our work all one in our life, means that we can work anytime in whatever activity we are doing and so we are not waiting for something to finish or start or dreading that something will finish.

It requires some work actually to make our whole life one in the work and stop compartmentalising our life. Actually making compartments in our life is to suffer because being in relativity we say this compartment is better than the other one and to be in one compartment that is not as good as the other one means that we are going to suffer a little.

Living in the Moment Unifies

An important key to make our life one big compartment rather than many small ones is to live in the moment, see each moment as an compartment that makes up your whole life and if we value each moment we will not value the moment in one compartment more than the moments in another compartment.


Live the Moment! It has so many benefits! It is actually all that we have!

End (175).

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