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Tuesday 26 August 2014

About Dream Interpreting in the Gnostic Light (219)


Dreams are sometimes difficult to interpret because they contain a big mixture of elements, some of which can be interpreted in according to the Gnostic pattern of things and some elements in the common sense universal pattern of things and some that are particular and are for the person who has the dream to work out, that is, they are created by the mind of the person who has the dream and to interpret them requires the interpreter to know the person's life and psychology.

Vivid Dreams

Vivid dreams usually have a mixture of elements but they are worth meditating on to decipher because a vivid dream has to have some significance.

Some Dream Symbols Interpreted in the Gnostic Light

University or Studying

In a dream being at a university or studying are good signs and they mean that you are learning about esotericism and the white lodge has their eye on you wanting at some point to test you.


Being congratulated usually in the Gnostic light means that you have been through some trials or difficult times and you have passed through and have done relatively well. It could mean that a test has been passed.


Small animals that are cute can be egos that are weak and are more or less harmless to our path but can be a bother but they are not a major danger for the path if we keep them under control.


Dogs for example are usually indicative of the sexual impulse or force, but could mean other things depending on the person.


The number 8 is interesting as it means patience, justice, suffering and tests, which is what some difficult periods of our life can be a lot about. It may mean also that you have to organize certain things and forces in your life.

The number 7 means triumph and also a lot of mental fights.


Black and white is duality the two forces and that is perfect when it comes to the sexual force because it can be used in two ways and until we purify the sexual force by eliminating the ego there is the mixture of two forces.

International People

An international competition indicates a test or trial that is common to many people and not so particular that is, it is a trial or test at the beginning of the path where many people are subjected to at once. The tests at later points in the path are more particular. The minor initiations are very particular and the major initiations are very much more particular and only the person or a two if that are tested.

Dream Ending

Usually the way a dream starts and ends are related. Connecting the two together reveals to us the lesson or message of the dream.

For example, say someone has a dream where they take something that was not theirs or they do not say the real situation about things, it could mean that in life you have to look deeply into things to understand the deeper reality behind what happens in life and to accept what we have and our role in life and not take or do things that are not ours or do not correspond to us.

Conclusion and Other People’s Interpretations of our Dreams

The interpretations of our dreams done by other people are definitely not 100% the right ones, they will contain some ideas or pointers that you can use to interpret your dream and get to your own conclusion because it will be much more meaningful for you and to your life.

End (219).

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