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Tuesday 26 August 2014

Getting Real when it Comes to Past Lives (218)


We secretly wish that we were someone great in the past and your hear so many people say that they were Christ or Buddha or someone great. The truth of the matter is that, there was only one Buddha or Christ or Julius Caesar and so there can not be ten people running around on Earth who were Julius Caesar in the past. It just can’t be.

Well perhaps the soul that was Julius Caesar was divided into fractions and now inhabits several bodies, however if we were to get to know these people who claim to be Julius Caesar they may not even exhibit any of his qualities. Those sort of people are usually the mythomaniac or megalomaniac types, those pseudo esotericists that think the world of themselves, or at least don’t think realistically about themselves. They may have been told that is who they were in the past by some clairvoyant or healer or channelled source and they believe it without even knowing whether it is for real true or not.

Fantasy and Past Lives

To think that you were such and such a great person is fantasy, because when you do discover or remember some of your past lives you will see them as very natural and you will recognise yourself back then as you are now.

You will observe the some psychological flavour, the same secret desires, the same way of seeing people and looking at the world and the same overall feeling. Even the same likes and dislikes etc.

To think that you were someone great in many lives of your past is fantasy and this is why.

You know when it comes to past lives we were up and then we were down. We go from being a person living in the street to a person living in a well-to-do household and area, and it is even true that what we are today is because we were that in the past and what we were in the past is the opposite of what we are today because we learnt a very painful lesson.


The best is to experience through unearthing the subconscious during meditation practiced when we are drowsy or by the consciousness itself or through dreams about our past lives. Our insights about our past lives have to also corroborate with recorded history and be realistic according to the character traits that we have or exhibit now.

End (218).

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