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Friday 8 August 2014

Some FAQ Regarding Gnosis (207)

In Gnosis do I have to Follow Anyone?

No! The person (V.M Samael Aun Weor) who revived through much personal experience and the study of past cultures and doctrines, and also to whom we owe the Gnostic knowledge that we have today, always asserted in many of his talks, that he did not want followers and that the sign post or the guide which we may follow always points within.

Is Gnosis Universal?

Following on from a previous answer that described Gnosis as experience and the knowledge gained by it, we can say that Gnosis is present wherever there is experience. So Gnosis is then present in our everyday life no matter where we are and who we are (our background, our religion, our nationality etc.). In this sense ‘Gnosis’ is universal.

Esoteric experience is something that anyone irrespective of their colour, creed, class and sex can have. The nature and quality of experience may vary from individual to individual. Though most importantly esoteric (spiritual) experience, is open to anyone and everyone, provided they apply sincerely and truly the teachings, keys and practices taught to them.

Is Gnosis a Study of Everything?

Gnosis could well be a study of everything, though being practical and keeping to the way Gnosis is transmitted in the Gnostic Society, the answer to this question is no. Even though science, philosophy, art and mysticism are the four main aspects or pillars of Gnosis, here in Perth and in many other places where Gnosis is studied we are primarily interested in the human being, especially the psychological and esoteric or spiritual side of the human being.

End (207).

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