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Wednesday 13 August 2014

As Soon as We Settle on Chastity Doors Open (208)


This message of this post is that when we stop our fighting, whether it be internal or external, and settle or come to be at peace with chastity or transmutation within us, the door or doors that was or were previously closed open.


Observing or seeing this happen in your internal and external life, shows us the power of chastity, in that the transmutation of sexual energies is one that really takes us towards our interior Real Being, and of course conversely if we are not transmuting how far it takes us from our interior Divinity and how it closes the doors to Him/Her/It.


A good practice of transmutation is really instrumental in dying in the ego of fornication and it is also a good or decent step toward our Being. However, with the proviso that we do not let the ego in to gobble up or expend all the new transmuted energy that we have in our system.

End (208).

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