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Friday 29 August 2014

Symbol of Water in Dreams (222)


This post makes an attempt at explaining the significance of water in dreams. In this post I will focus on the meaning of water in our dreams as seen from the perspective of the work on ourselves and in the general sense.

Generally water, whether it be a lake, a sea or an ocean, usually refers to our sexual waters or energy, as the per name in Gnosis given to the sexual energy: “the waters of life”.

Sexual energy is more similar to water than anything else. It is liquid in its rawest form, more so than a solid. Therefore it is very fitting that the symbol of eh sexual energy be a body of water.

Calm Waters

Work Meaning

To see calm waters in our dreams or to be close or swimming in calm waters is a positive sign. What this means is that our sexual waters are in a calm state, that is our sexual energy is under our control and we are not being driven or controlled by it. Or in other words our sexual energy is not operating outside of its natural orbit and it is not bothering us.

General Meaning

Calm waters could also refer to the need to calm the mind so to be able to see the truth of our psychology. Calm waters could also indicate to us that we need to reflect more deeply on things in general or more deeply on a particular issue that may be bothering us.

Clear Waters

Work Meaning

Clear waters, once again is a very good symbol. To see a clear body of water whether it be a small or large body of water such as a swimming pool or a lake is certainly a very good symbol. It indicates the state of our sexual energy, specifically telling us that our sexual energy is being cleared and purified and that we are doing well.

General Meaning

Clear waters in a more general sense can mean an absence of worries or danger. It could also mean transparency in your mind and in your relationships and in your dealings in life. Overall it is positive.

Dirty or Putrid Waters

Work Meaning

Dirty or putrid waters signify that our sexual energy is polluted or stained with many characteristics of lust and fornication and we if we want to ssee our waters clear and experience peace, light, self-control and clarity we have to work on dissolving and reducing lust and fornication. All the dirt and pollution in our waters comes from the wrong use of the sexual energy in the past. We also clean the waters with transmutation.

General Meaning

In the general sense it means all the opposite of the significance of the clear waters.

Rough Waters

Work Meaning

Rough waters mean that we have our sexual energy in a excited, agitated state in which are losing some control over it. Any dreams with rough waters should be taken seriously and we should proceed to calm our sexual energy, because it can very easily become harmful for us and our work. You know the Divine Law only allows a certain agitation of the waters, after a limit we fall into disrepute with the Law and we fall into Karmic debt.

It could also in very specific one off occasions be about the test of water especially if we were thrown into the rough waters.

General Meaning

In the general sense it is not all that good, it means mental agitation, social agitation, turbulent events in your life and very agitated emotional states. It is advisable to keep calm, practice meditation, lay low and overall seek calm, self-restraint and do not provoke incidents and reactions from people.

Rising Waters

Work Meaning

Seeing waters rise in dreams is an indication that our level of sexual energy is increasing and we have to take care and transmute more to keep the level from rising to high where it will be too much for us to handle and we will commit the error of spilling it.

General Meaning

The general meaning is that the pace, complication, excitement, energy level of our life is increasing and it can be overwhelming. Some caution in the way we behave is in order.


Dreams with water in them are very important for the Gnostic and people in their life, because water is life and it is a very primordial element in life, without it we are all dead. So it should be taken very seriously when we see the element of water in our dreams because it is saying something about our life, and about our sexual energy which is also our life, as it created us and is the only thing that transforms us for the better or for the worse.

End (222).

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