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Wednesday 27 August 2014

Awakening Kundalini in the Practice of Alchemy (215)

After Transmutation

Remember that when practicing Alchemy there are three stages, the first is to transmute, the second is to work in the awakening of the Kundalini and the third is to work in the dissolution of the ego.

So, once the couple have transmuted the couple can then if they havn’t awakened the Kundalini they can work in the awakening of the Kundalini. Once again it is advisable to have transmuted before and to have felt the effect of the transmutation, that is one has felt that the energy has been moved up the spine, through the brain and into the heart and one feels more in control of their energy because it has been moved, the reservoir of sexual energy is not as full.

Awakening the Kundalini

It is said in Gnosis that the Kundalini only awakens with the practice of Alchemy. This means that the Kundalini can awaken while practicing Alchemy or when the person is not practicing Alchemy. What I mean by the latter is that the person still practices Alchemy but the moment when the Kundalini awakens can be while the person is meditating or washing the dishes or watering the garden.

It is important to know that a single person can not awaken the Kundalini, however in Gnosis we know about some exceptions where their Master raises their Kundalini and that is very rare and if it did not happen to Master Samael and so many of the others who had to practice the Alchemy for years to awaken the Kundalini it is most likely not going to happen to you if you are single and you are not a missionary or you are not making very intense sacrifices in the work of the three factors, i.e. mystical death and helping humanity.

The Practice

After transmuting the couple can then chant the mantra KAN DIIL BAN DIL R to work in the awakening of the Kundalini. It is very useful to pray to the Divine Mother before chanting the mantra, and also during and after the mantra. Begging her to awaken in your coccyx, begging her to direct the transmuted energy into the sleeping serpent Kundalini so to awaken it, beg her to direct or make that the lunar and solar currents surging through your coccyx to produce a spark which is the beginning of the serpentine Kundalini fire, which will later grow and ascend up your spinal column. Beg her to bring her special sulphur or fire that will ignite the transmuted energy and produce the awakening of the fire.


So after transmuting, not straight into the practice but after some time of transmutation beg the Divine Mother to awaken in your coccyx and chant the mantra KAN DIL BAN DIL R. This mantra was given to Master Samael by the Angel Aroch as the best mantra to awaken the Kundalini.

End (215).

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