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Tuesday 26 August 2014

Student: The Being is not Real for Me – Part 2 (221)


This post continues from post number 220, it contains a question and an answer. The questions were asked by a student who decided in the end to leave his Gnostic studies and the answers are from a Gnostic instructor.

Question 2 or Issue 2

I agree that behind me coming to and Gnosis finding me was my being, I don't have a clear or even a vague idea of what my thoughts or actions should be in regards to my being, but I do know that my karma is dictating every second of my life at present like my whole existence has been under that direction. I wait to see what next unfolds.

Answer 2

We are meant to care for your soul the same as we care for ours. Ultimately your soul, my soul, his soul, her soul are all one in the Absolute. About our relationship to the Being the point where I start at, is with gratitude, I thank my Being for giving me life, for all the things in my life that I feel happy about, and also all the things in my life that I am sad about, because they are opportunities to correct things and transform them into more happiness. The things in your life, like health, food, friends, family, house, city, the ability to go for a walk on Sunday morning and feel fine and refreshed are all of the Being. To enjoy the things of life comes from Him.

You know you are the Being already, the presence that you have in the world, in creation is the Being, you are being here, you are existing here, you are being, living, existing, present, so you are the Being, only that we have some part of Him (if we can call the Being Him, because He is really a source of life energy and consciousness) or it that is free (free essence) and other parts that are conditioned (egos) and we have to free those parts from there conditioning and then the Being will be 100% free to be the Being and we will be free to do as He wishes. We are the Being already only that some parts of Him are conditioned and limit Him and make us suffer. We first of all have to accept that, that we are Him and that it is not so sensational or exciting or such a big deal.

The truth is that we are all under Karma, however Karma has left a door slightly open for us to be able to found our way out. You know right now reading this email you have the door slightly open. It is hard to lift the roof of karma off from our heads but straight away but with consistent work on ourselves we can do it, bit by bit, we just need some time.

I don't think there is any other way to lift the karma off of ourselves, than by either working on ourselves, serving others or by feeling lots of pain and suffering.

Once again we care for you and your soul and we are here.

End (221).

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful. Why isn’t all of Gnosis treated with so much light and delicate care? Why do so many missionaries dictate what their students should eat, how much to sleep, which jobs are OK, which friends & romantic interests are OK? I can understand why people in Gnosis take their own life. Really, I can. We have had instructors here who once they learned what their students were enthusiastic about, what they enjoyed in life, devoted the classes to destroying those interests. Not strip clubs and bars either, but things related to family, pets, hobbies, exercise, and profession. Gnosis is beautiful and I don’t think it was ever meant to become a cult but when missionaries get so involved in the personal details of the lives of their students it feels so invasive, harsh, and heavy. I hope for a better future for the Gnostic people who are sincerely looking for the light of the path again.
