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Monday 18 August 2014

Worry for the Day not the Big Picture (209)


We usually see the title of this post the other way around, that is don’t worry about the details but worry about the bigger picture instead. This post is about how to worry while we are working on ourselves. It is a very strange thing, but sometimes it happens that things in life are one way but in the path or in the work on oneself they are the opposite.

It Happens that the Big Picture is Out of Our Control

So it happens in the work on ourselves that we can get very worried about whether we are going to make it or not, that is get our self-realisation or rather whether the Being in us will get His/Her self-realisation or not.

We may see that we are single or that we can not surpass certain delays or obstacles in our life and we may be stuck and because of these things we may see that we will not make it or our Being will not make it. We may be sick, we may be in a relationship that is not useful for our spiritual work and we may not have a way out. And so in these circumstances it is very difficult to not worry about our future, the future in terms of the bigger picture that is!

To worry about the bigger picture concerning our self-realisation sometimes or actually most of the time is not useful and all it amounts to is a waste of our time and energies. We really can’t do much about it, because so much of it is in the hands of our Being. All that we can worry about or be concerned about is what we can actually do or influence and you know what? That turns out to be this day, this moment right now! We can do something about this day!

Worry About How the Day has been Lived Instead!

The result of worrying uselessly over the future or the bigger picture leads one to conclude that all we can control or change or modify is this moment and this day.

Actually if we always do our best in any moment and in any given day we will secure our future. The sincere efforts of the day and of the moment bring about a positive and hopeful future.

We need faith in our Being and in our work that it will modify or rather create a positive future where there is the great hope for the self-realisation of our Being.


In the end all that we can be concerned over is the day or the moment, to live our day giving always our best is what we can do and that trusting in the sincerity of our efforts will create a positive future. After all, all that we have is this moment, and we don’t know what our Being has in store for us and what His plans are. He may be waiting and then accelerate like crazy or He may have a very long term plan and whatever crazy effort we make will only disturb his plans.

Anyway hope this helps and puts you at ease somewhat especially if you have been like me worrying excessively over the future and the bigger picture.

End (209).


  1. Replies
    1. You are most welcome! This bit of advice that was given to me by a friend is helping me no end. Doing your best in the day or at least something decent in the day has really improved things for me in my work and quite importantly in my morale as well. IT is so nice to go to rest at the end of the day without that gaping empty feeling of being in debt and the thought "I am not really doing too much".
