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Wednesday 24 September 2014

In Sexuality is Our Degree of Connecting or Disconnecting (237)

Origin of the Word Sex

The word sex is thought to come from the Latin word ‘seccare’ which means to cut or to divide or in other words disconnect. The words: section, dissect, bisect, sect, sectarianism etc. all show this common meaning.

Some say that the word sex comes from the Latin ‘sexus’ which the state of gender, i.e. that of being either male or female. However, the origin ‘seccare’ is much more interesting and descriptive of eh true nature of sexuality.

Degree of Connecting or Disconnecting

In sexuality we find our capacity or ability to connect or disconnect to something. In other words with sexuality we can connect to something and by duality also disconnect from something. Sexuality has that amazing duality where it can free or enslave, heal or harm or regenerate or degenerate.

Sexuality is at the Base of Life

We are always connecting and disconnecting in life and so our life is always sexual. Any type of union implies sexuality. Normally we think of sexuality as being the intimate physical man and woman union but that limits totally our vision of sexuality.


We need to expand our vision of sexuality and that will honestly help us in many senses to see the true nature of sexuality and to also change our view of sexuality for the better. The more positive we start to see sexuality the more we can change our sexuality and also dissolve lust.

End (237).

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