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Monday 22 September 2014

One Symptom that an Ego is Dying (236)


There are actually many symptoms to know when an ego is dying in you. One is that it is manifestations get weaker in intensity, shorter in duration and less frequent.

However, the symptom that I want to focus on here is the one of not feeling like it anymore or not having emotional force to go with the ego anymore.

Just Don’t Feel Like it!

When after much work on an ego start to not feel like getting what the ego wants us to get we are dying in that ego or rather that ego is dying in us. When you no longer feel that you want what that ego wants you are separating from that ego and in is weakening and dying in you.

Don’t Feed it

The mental part of that ego may exert pressure on your mind for you to feed that ego but don’t do it! Because it is dying, peace is coming your way soon!

Sometimes it is false

There is something to watch out for sometimes we just feel tired of the ego and we don’t feel like getting what the ego wants emotionally speaking. So for it to correspond to a true symptom of death we have to wait, because time will reveal if that ego is really dying or not. If we were just tired, then as soon as we are rested the ego will come back again with force.


Watch out for this symptom and if you observe this symptom in yourself, wait a while to verify that it is true and don’t feed that ego anymore. Use your will to cooperate with the death just produced inside you.

Also if you honestly feel that what the wants si something that deep down you do not want and do not find comforting or useful or satisfying at all then you are dying. Hip Hip Hooray! Right!

End (236).

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