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Tuesday 9 September 2014

Characteristic of the Principal Psychological Profile (PPP) (226)


As mentioned in the previous post, this post will be dedicated to describing some more characteristics of the PPP.

Characteristic 1

One very important characteristic of the PPP is that it is the one that sets up a great majority all of our difficult moments in life. It actually sets up the nature and circumstances of the events that make our life difficult. The PPP is responsible for the major egoic events in our life, that is its main characteristic!

Characteristic 2

The PPP sets up a certain egoic pattern in our life. We will mostly decide or do things because of this ego. It is behind most of our big decisions in life and it is the one that creates circumstances in our life for it to manifest. Remember it can do this because it is a causal ‘I’, meaning that it has access to our causal world and therefore it can generate causes, well actually causes that go to benefit this ego or go to fulfil the aim of this ego.

Verify Characteristic 1

To verify this characteristic, just look at all the sad moments in your life and see what their nature was, what were those events about?

While you are there go into the psychology of all of your egoic manifestations during those events. Your egoic manifestations were your thoughts, feelings and actions in those moments, so see what flavour they had.

Verify Characteristic 2

Recall the major decisions in your life and then and then see what egoic factor was behind them if there was an egoic factor behind it.

Try and identify a pattern of circumstances in your life, especially in relationships. See if there is a patterns and what ego is behind it, or what ego always plays a leading role in those patterned set of events and circumstances.


So then the PPP is behind our major painful life events, behind our failures, sufferings and tribulations. It also sets up a pattern that constantly keeps itself fed through the events and circumstances of the same nature.

End (226).

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