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Thursday 11 September 2014

Principal Psychological Profile (PPP) - Main Structure of Psychology (227)


As mentioned in the previous post, this post will be dedicated to describing some more characteristics of the PPP. In particular this post will concentrate on the characteristic that the PPP is the main framework of our egoic structure and impregnates or participates of all or nearly all our egoic manifestations.

Participates of all Our Egoic Manifestations

So then the PPP is the foundation of our personality, a point we will examine later on, but back to the point our PPP can be found in every well nearly every manifestation of our egos.

To verify this we have to really know our PPP and go deep into our egoic manifestations and search for it. For example if a person’s PPP is Pride which is a very common one, such a person will be able to see Pride in his or her egoic manifestations and this is quite easy to see actually, because there is much pride in anger, envy, jealousy, lust, fear, greed, ambition and even laziness. Pride is a great combiner ego, that is it combines itself well with almost any ego.

Pride is behind so many of our egoic reactions; actually it is behind a lot of anger, envy and jealousy. Pride colours the way these other egos act, and in fact the relativity that Pride is so characteristic of, influences greatly the processes of the other egos and the way they act. Pride makes us go for the best or the better, so in that what it specifically influences our egoic movements and selection processes.

Just imagine what those other egos would be like in you if your Pride were to be taken away. They would be baseless wouldn’t they. So there you go, you can verify this point directly for yourself.


When you find your PPP or  at least suspect your PPP for it to truly be your PPP it has to participate in nearly all of your egoic manifestations. To counteract our PPP will need to apply massive amounts of good will within our intimate psychological processes and in our life and actions.

End (227).

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