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Sunday 14 September 2014

Principal Psychological Profile (PPP) of Pride (229)


As mentioned in the previous post, this post will be dedicated to describing some more characteristics of the PPP. In particular this post will concentrate on describing what it is like to have Pride as the PPP.

Pride as Your PPP

What I would like to achieve with this post is to describe how one’s psychology is and life is having the pride as the PPP. My hope is that with this description it will help you to either rule out that your PPP is pride or either set you on a course to discovering and confirming that your PPP is pride.

What is it Like to have Pride as a PPP?

If your PPP is pride then the majority of your psychological processes will be taken up with envy, resentment, offences – giving and receiving, remembering insults, arguing, mental and verbal protesting, being worried about being wrong, feeling hurt, being right, fantasies of glory and heroism, fantasies of being right and loved by everyone, feeling important, feeling devastated by no one loving you, fear of embarrassment, fear to learn what others think of you, basically always being hurt and retaliating with responses that express the same value.

Thinking people are against you and then being against others and there is always a strong element of friction, opposition, resistance and conflict in our minds and in our relations with others.

Basically what causes a person much trouble when they pride as their PPP is relativity, where differences in treatment and being less or more really upset the person. The person who has pride as their PPP is very sensitive to relativity. The slightest detail can provoke one’s pride and upset them.


If a person’s PPP is pride then unfortunately most of their psychological life will basically be taken up by protesting against relativity that goes against them (less than others) and feeling exaggeratedly great when relativity is in their favour (i.e. better or more than others).

End (229).

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