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Friday 12 September 2014

Principal Psychological Profile (PPP) & the Fall (228)


As mentioned in the previous post, this post will be dedicated to describing some more characteristics of the PPP. In particular this post will concentrate on the characteristic that the PPP is the main reason as to why we fell spiritually speaking in the past. The PPP is the one that is always behind our fall.

PPP and the Spiritual Fall

We say here in Gnosis that the PPP is the one that has always been there behind each and every one of our past spiritual falls. By this, I do not mean losing the sexual energy during some sort of sexual activity, but rather when we fell from the illuminated, one with our interior state Divinity state and fell in the physical world where much crying and gnashing of teeth is heard.

The factor Behind that fall is the P.P.P it is the one that causes all our falls, which implies that the P.P.P is a very painful ego that carries much karma and is the strongest one and is also one that is 100% rebellious and very hypnotic.

The PPP by recurrence will try to make you fall again. If one fell because of lust good chances are that the PPP is lust, however if a person fell because of betraying the white lodge or a Guru or a Master or profaned the teachings or was disobedient due to pride then most likely the PPP of te person is pride, especially if they fell because of power.


The PPP is very powerful because it is the one that made it fail. This is certainly reason enough to go and work on it to avoid this recurrence or pattern actually. The PPP is very karmic and very powerful.

End (228).

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