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Friday 26 September 2014

Trust – An Antidote when we are Insecure (239)


Trust is an immense remedy to a situation where we feel insecure.


Trust calls upon the memory of the past actions of others. It sees that the other person really helped us and sincerely liked us, and as nothing has changed, trust says that that person still likes us very much and things will go along very well and so then, why to feel insecure and to fear that that person’s love or friendship will disappear.

Trust that Love Remains

It is not going to disappear. It will remain, if it has lasted for so long already why should it disappear just now. Thinking this and then feeling it is the key. Feeling it is the trust, and we feel it when we actually believe it. Then our fear and feelings of insecurity go away.

When we don’t find any reason for us to doubt, trust wins and our fear dissipates.

Difficult Situations

However there are situations when it is difficult to trust because the person is very erratic and unpredictable and you never know where you will end up with that person. So then what do you do? We in fact trust that they will be unpredictable again. So trusting is not going to work but we have to then trust in time and in their work and goodness as a person for the right and good in them to prevail.

Alternative when Trust in Others Fails

There is another alternative and that is to trust inside of ourselves and in our interior Divinity that we can evoke the wisdom, strength and light to be able to overcome these feelings and end up feeling alright.


Either way trust is a tremendous antidote to situations where we feel fear and we are unsure, uncertain and insecure.

End (239).

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