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Tuesday 30 September 2014

What happens if we are struggling in wanting to dissolve an Ego (240)


This post is a remedy to the situation when you know that you really have to work on an ego but it is strong and you don’t want to work on it. In some way we still want what it gives or promises us.

What it Gives or What it Promises?

Before I go on, there is a very interesting point here to look at and it is are we wanting what the ego actually gives us or what the ego promises us.

When we get what the ego wants is that really what we wanted. In a majority of the cases we don’t really want what the ego gives us, because the reality of getting what the ego gives is not so happy, pleasing and agreeable as it sounded.

Usually we want what the ego promises us and that can be something that we can get truly get through the Being instead of through the ego. The reason why this is because what we may want is something that is not bad.

For example

For example we may want some sort of freedom and so lust tries to get it and then that becomes inconvenient for us and in the end it is not freedom that we get but complications and difficulties etc. However, in the beginning we wanted freedom, if we try to get it through the Being we will truly get it.


Here is the remedy. The remedy is to search for the truth behind it. To search for the truth of what the ego wants, find the true nature of its end result and its desires.

The truth is neutral and sets us free. If we actually find the truth behind we will be happy to let the ego go anyway. Finding the truth does not cause any pain and does not bother or annoy us.


The key is look for the truth behind the ego, find out why it wants what it does and what is the true nature of what it wants. The truth is something neutral and does not harm the essence or us, it actually frees us and it actually it dissolves the ego.

End (240).

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