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Thursday 23 October 2014

A Gnostic View on Affirmations (263)


Affirmations have been mentioned many times. Susan Jeffers mentioned affirmations in her book “Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway” many times over. One affirmation that she found very useful was “I can handle it”. She claimed that this affirmation and many others are powerful and very useful in overcoming fear or at least making fear to somewhat subside.

This post explains why affirmations can be powerful from the Gnostic perspective and how and why they work.

What is an Affirmation?

An affirmation is simply a sentence - a string of words nothing more. That is intended to repeated to one’s self many multiples of times.

A true affirmation is really a sentence that expresses a truth. This truth may be one that we have experienced or one that we have taught or even one that we have been given to use so as to one day realise the truth in it and behind it. 

It is though in all the cases and types, the goal of an affirmation is to strengthen, cultivate and activate something within oneself. Even a mantra is a kind of affirmation.

We certainly have the power to change our self it is in applying the work and in the sexual energy, and of course in our Being, in particular the Divine Mother.

What do they Affect in us?

An affirmation may affect many things in us, however the common thing that they affect in us is our mind or our psyche or psychology. If an affirmation is practiced properly it should affect our subconscious. That is modify our subconscious, break down our belief in one or more subconscious factors. It should ideally show us that the beliefs and reasons that we have lurking in our subconscious to be wrong.

Of course though an affirmation can increase, heighten our morale, our understanding and even our consciousness. Basically affirmation affect our internal state and our internal state reflects our actions and reactions and so if done deeply enough they can impact aspects of our life.

Why do they Work?

The only reason why they would work is because of our own understanding and consciousness. If we deeply understand those words or truth in the affirmation the affirmation will work, but if we are not conscious of those words at all, they will not work or will have very little effect on us.

Sometimes it is just enough to say the affirmation once and that brings out our previous understanding and realisation of a truth that it creates a new internal state for us, displacing or diminishing the feeling on an ego in us.


We can have affirmations as many as we like. To make them effective and truly useful to us we must understand them and be conscious of what they express.

“I am an essence” is a good confirmation that helps us to not get identified with the ego, that is to not lose our identity to the ego, to continually keep our identity as the essence. But if we do not know that we are the essence this affirmation will be totally useless. We will end sounding like a hippy if we repeat this affirmation to ourselves and others without being conscious of it.

End (263).

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