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Monday 20 October 2014

The Power of the Internal Word! (262)


We need to use the power of our internal word to battle the ego, especially when it is in our subconscious and it manifests strongly urging us to act.

Fights with the Ego

When the ego really comes up strong in us and wants to manifest to get what it wants, we can either just allow it and go with it or we can chose a different way, the way of the work and the Being, which will may well lead us into direct conflict with the ego.

Reason Makes the Internal Word Powerful

In that case we need a way to fight the ego, we need a weapon. When we have reasons not to go with the ego we have a weapon, but it is one thing to have a weapon and entirely different thing is to know how to use the weapon. This post is about using eh weapon of the internal word, which is no more than our powerful reasons.

The internal word would be useless if the reasons we have to not go with the ego were weak. The more powerful are our reasons the more power our internal word has.

Ego in the Subconscious

When the ego is rooted in our subconscious we need to apply this key of using the power of our internal word. This key works quite well in these cases.

When the ego is rooted in the subconscious it is powerful because we do not fully know why the ego wants what it wants and we don’t clearly see reasons why it wants what it wants and further why we should not go with it.

Ego Attacks

When the ego attacks we need to counteract it verbalising internally as if they were a mantra our very good reasons not to go with the ego. Verbalising and understanding the truths we have previously discovered about the ego and what it wants to do.

Counteract the logic of the ego with these reasons, until they lose force and the force of those reasons become the dominant force in you, this for now subduing the ego.

When the ego next attacks we have to use our internal word once again to defeat it once again and so on and so until the ego remains known, comprehended, discovered and without it hypnotic power.


Use the power of your internal word when the ego attacks. The power of your internal word is in the truth of your comprehension, understanding and knowledge of that ego. Repeat your reasons and discovered truths over and over again in your mind until the attack of the ego subsides.

End (262).

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