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Tuesday 28 October 2014

A Spiritual Warrior or a Saint? (266)


Personally I had a big aversion to the possibility of becoming a saint. I thought erroneously that the work makes one a saint. Well it does make one a saint but it depends on what we call a saint or rather what we think a saint is.

It is usually our own concept of what a saint is that we reject. We don’t want to become the concept that we have. Because we are not saints, we don’t have an idea of what it is really like to be a saint.

Erroneous Concepts

One can have a concept of a saint as being the holy person walking around in a monastery always in prayer with his or her hands joined together pointing upward towards the heights. The persona of a saint fitting more or less this appearance may appeal to people or may not appeal to people.

Anyway the truth in the end is that as we work on ourselves we become more and more the Being, and the Being is the Being, He is not a saint, nor a hero, nor a magician or anything but Himself. However, just to confuse you more He has within him these qualities of a saint, hero, magician etc. that he in creation can manifest but He is not them He is beyond them.

If we are to Take an Identity

If we are to stray away from our false identity or personality and adopt one of the work, it would be more advantageous to adopt one that you are happy with. I think personally think that a spiritual warrior is more advantageous.

As a gnostic your identity is more like that of a spiritual warrior than that of a saint. We are at war with the ego for many years and only when the ego is almost dissolved to come to be more like mystics or saints. Remember Hercules in the second mountain, he is still a warrior. It wasn’t until the ninth labour of Hercules that he rested and stopped becoming a warrior.

Though the best identity and the truest one is that of your Being.


This post may not be useful to everyone but I hope that it has shed some light on the identities we can falsely create, assume and even think we have to assume then and then because we don’t like come into internal conflict with the work on ourselves and therefore come into conflict with Gnosis, i.e. the Gnostic Teachings.

As mentioned earlier the best identity to take is that of the Being and or the consciousness, though the closest identity that describes our work is that of a spiritual warrior, because we are working hard to try and conquer our karma, our egos and the higher levels if Being.

End (266).

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