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Friday 24 October 2014

Stagnation Due to a Lack of Definition (265)


If you are ever stagnated in dissolving an ego check how your definition for the Being and the path is going. Your stagnation could be due to a lack of definition. You may still be wanting something from life and so subconsciously you keep this ego alive, hoping that it will be able to one day provide you with that thing from life that you want or think that you need.

Holding onto the Ego for a Reason

When we work on an ego and manage to live without it for a while but later fall back into it, swinging as a pendulum would from working to identifying with that ego there is a something that is stagnating us. There is some special factor there that we have to discover so to be able to go ahead in its dissolution.

That special factor is usually a reason of some sort, a reason for why we are not letting that ego go, a reason why we still find that ego useful. There could in reality be many reasons but the reason I am proposing now is that it could be due to a lack of definition.

There is still something from life that we want and working on that ego going towards the Being we think will mean that we can’t get what we want. We need that ego to go and get what we want and also to get what the ego wants.

The Problem is we Want What the Ego Wants

The problem is really that we and the ego want the same thing. When we separate from the ego and we want something different to the ego then the whole situation changes in us. We may think that we don’t want the ego but the truth is there is something in your subconscious that wants what the ego wants.


We have to find out what we really want and then go and let go of those things that we and the ego want thus defining ourselves for one side, in this case the work and the Being. Knowing that the ego is wrong and that getting what the ego wants will only ruin us and that in the Being we can get what we really want in a more edifying and dignifying and truer way.

For example, we may want money, true we are not going to get heaps of money in the Being but we will get what we want the money for. We always want money for something, perhaps for security, for prestige, for praise, for luxuries, for comfort etc. Well we can get the spiritual version of all of those things in the Being and in the work.


Dissolving the ego is about definition and definition is a decision which involves the letting go of one thing to grab onto another thing. There is death in definition and renunciation as well.

End (265).

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