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Thursday 9 October 2014

Death Brings us to the Transcendental (249)


We have two special forces here in creation. They are life and death. They always come together and together they complete a cycle. We really must have both of them even if we only ever want one.

Life Brings us to Matter

Life as a force or as a ray brings us to creation and into matter in the form of a physical body. So in effect life as a force makes us to descend become involved and immersed in matter and human issues. So that is the role of the ray of life in creation.

Death though has a different role in creation basically the opposite role as you will see, read on…

Death Takes to the Spirit

Death of any sort is a journey back to the transcendental. That is back to the true spiritual nature of ourselves. That is the role of death, it is always to return to the spiritual or the metaphysical or the invisible or the beyond the common, while life is to return to the material.

Many Deaths

There are so many kinds of death, physical death, psychological death, esoteric or mystical death (same as psychological), the second death in the abyss and even mini human type of deaths such as when a relationship breaks, a projects ends or is cancelled, a TV show finishes, a holiday finishes, an objects breaks, or when a natural cataclysm occurs and a mountain or lake disappears. To be able to deal with these things death takes us (forcefully sometimes) to the beyond, to consider the philosophical and the greater truths.

Death takes us to better comprehend the spiritual, the philosophical, the invisible, the intangible, our own truth, the principles of creation etc. That is why we need mystical death to go back to the Being because death is the force that takes us up into the transcendental and into the spiritual.


To be able to handle death without pain we need to always be going into the transcendental, always looking for the beyond, the profound and that way we will be in good stead to handle our own death and the many other deaths and events that require us to grapple with the forces of death.

End (249).

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