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Wednesday 8 October 2014

Good and Bad in Every Event of Life (248)


Every event has something good and bad in it. This is hard to believe sometimes, but if we look a little harder we will find both the good and the bad. An event may be overall good but there will be some inconvenient or bad aspects to it.

In fact if there is good there has to be bad, and vice versa they always always come together.

Our Vision is One Sided

The problem with us is that our vision is usually one sided meaning we only see the bad or good side of an event. This is unbalanced you would agree?

Seeing both sides is to have a balanced view of life and its events and that means a more realistic view. When we are close to reality we suffer less and when we are far from reality we suffer greatly.

Conclusion - Practical Use

If we accustom ourselves to seeing both sides of life we will be able to neutralise the badness that always made us suffer. So if you see events as something bad or harsh then ask yourself to find three good things about the event and vice versa. You will see that things then change for you!

If we see the opposite to what we normally see, this will simple action will change our vision and therefore our response and reaction and overall feeling, (i.e. less suffering) towards the events of life.

End (248).

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