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Friday 10 October 2014

The Effort Divinity Makes (253)

A Thousand Words

This is picture is really marvellous, it says a thousand words. 

Apathy of the Humanoid

This painting shows us that the Divinity, the Gods, angels and especially our interior Divinity make great efforts to help us and due to our sleeping condition we ignore this, are not aware of it and make very little effort to reciprocate.

The Divine-Human Relationship

The Divine-human relationship is one sided where the Divinity is the one giving all the time and the human is the one receiving, taking all that is offered and not being aware of where it comes from.

If we study and practice Gnosis, this imbalanced type of relationship will gradually change. Our interior Divinity will reach out more and more as we begin to reciprocate and as we begin to reciprocate we will reciprocate more and more strengthening and deepening the relationship between the human and the Divine.


The more we awaken and die the closer we are to our interior Divinity and the stronger and closer the relationship becomes. The work on ourselves brings balance to this initially imbalanced relationship and replaces the apathy of the sleeping consciousness with an ardent love.

End (253).

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