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Tuesday 14 October 2014

We Hide from Others what we Hide from Ourselves (254)


At first it does not really seem true, but given a closer look it appears to have some truth to it. So this post is about bringing trying to bring this truth out.

Why We Hide Things

The truth behind this statement lies in investigating why we hide things. When we hide something from others it is because we actually do not feel so good about what we are hiding. In some way we know that we should not be doing it or that we should not have done it. It could be something neutral even, like having bought an expensive pair of sunglasses and we don’t our fellow Gnostics to see that we bought them because we think that they will think that we are full of vanity.

We Hide Because we are not Fully Ok with it!

So when we hide something it is because we are not fully ok with it. Some parts of us are (some egos are) and some other parts are not. So those other parts that are not ok with that do not really accept that we have done something or are doing that something which we hide.

Accept it!

So there is some truth to it. As soon as we accept that we have done a particular thing then the need to hide it will diminish considerably.

What we Really Fear

We hide things from others too because we think that they will not accept us or rather they will not believe in or accept the half false image that we are giving them.

What we really fear though is that they will hit the thing in us that we don’t accept and consequently that will hurt us, because we have been working hard to hide it and now we are going to be discovered.

When we accept that we have a defect and they hit on that point we don’t mind because we have accepted it and we are not hiding it and we are giving others the chance to see us really as we are and so love us according to reality, meaning no surprises later on.

We fear that our real self is not good enough, that they will not accept the false image we are portraying to them. When we accept ourselves or our reality and we be that in front of others, we have overcome our fear of hiding and we don’t mind if they don’t like us.


The benefit of that is that we stop performing and the fear and stress of not being accepted goes making us more peaceful, loving, natural and happy. Happy in your own skin!

End (254).

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