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Friday 3 October 2014

Why do we Cry When Dissolving the Ego? (242)


Generally dissolving the ego is difficult but at the same time very pleasant because we feel that gradually you are getting free of what pains you, but there are times when the ego is strong and we lack the comprehension and will to not want what it wants, we don’t see it as wrong and we are teetering on the edge of falling deeply into it.

This is when we cry because we have no other remedy than to beg our Divine Mother with tears for help.

Edge of the Abyss

Sometimes an ego is so strong and we are so identified or unified with it yet we know if we don’t stop it we are going to fall deeply into and into deep trouble humanly, psychologically and spiritually. We feel that we are the edge of the abyss and the abyss is beckoning.

This you would agree is a grave situation and it may happen to those who are working on the ego. Not very often but it may happen and it may have happened to those who have dissolved the ego, I don’t think we are alone in that.

When Comprehension Fails No Other Remedy

When our comprehension fails and we are still on the edge of the abyss we have to appeal to the Divine Mother with our tears, our sincere tears shed while alone moves our Divine Mother to help us and intervene for us before the Law.

This happened to Master Samael in his fifth major initiation, he after failing that test cried from the deepest parts of his soul pleading for help and then he found himself in the tribunal of the Divine Law where an executioner of the Law eliminated that defect from him, it was beyond his comprehension and power to stop it so a third external force -  the Divine Law took care of it for him.


If you find yourself at the edge of the abyss and your comprehension and will fails you then you have no other remedy than to appeal to your Divine Mother for help. If you are really sincerely concerned you will shed tears naturally but that happens only because you are deeply concerned, worried and pained and anyway the Divine Mother knows us inside out and fake tears will not move her.

End (242).

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