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Tuesday 30 September 2014

Cravings Always Win So we need to Substitute (241)


Experience and statistics show that craving usually wins. We can take a craving or an intense desire away which of course is good but the fights and struggles soon begin. A division forms within us, us against it – the craving.

The key is to remove the craving yet not create that division, which is done by redirecting.

Division - the Cause of Struggles

The sexual function is a legitimate function in the human being that is to be used, however the cravings and desires associated with it become a problem for the person and others. When the person starts to fulfil them how the mind or lust wants, then a problem later develops and of course the person wants to stop them and then when he or she does the division is created and the struggle starts.


As mentioned above the key is to redirect, which to keep the function going but using it differently, using it in a way that will benefit us and others. Of course the key is that the new use must be totally fulfilling and agreeable and pleasing as the old way was, but mind you, this is very important, it must bring fulfilment in a dignifying and edifying way! Whereas, the craving’s fulfilment was temporary and undignifying and locked us into a vicious cycle of more and more.


Stop the craving but give yourself a very fulfilling alternative that brings you as at least much satisfaction but in a positive, dignifying and edifying way! Don’t just stop the craving, the fights will begin and the chances are you will lose.

End (241).

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